57 research outputs found

    The Impact Of Online Misinformation On Covid-19 Vaccines: A Literature Review

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    The spread of COVID-19 misinformation has contributed to what has been labelled as a crisis of trust. This decline in trust has been reinforced by legitimate criticism of government responses to the pandemic and the exacerbation of pre-existing mistrust in governments and health services, particularly amongst marginalized groups. This study aims to analyse the COVID-19 vaccines misinformation and its impact to the life aspect of the society. This study was a literature review discussing about COVID-19 vaccines misinformation and its impact. Based on the database and keywords, 15 articles were obtained, but only 7 articles had relevant topics. COVID-19 vaccines misinformation can lead to several impacts namely the damage on the prevention and control action regarding to COVID-19. Moreover, this misinformation also can be as the stimulus undermines the COVID-19 individual responses that will affect the willingness of society’s vaccines uptake. Misinformation of COVID-19 vaccines can be classified into several types such as misleading contents, manipulated content, false content and fabricated content. Those misinformation lead to the condition of society’s acceptance toward COVID-19 vaccines and damage the management of COVID-19 prevention and control actions that are conducted by the Government

    Pengukuran Kinerja Rawat Inap Berdasarkan Perspektif Balanced Scorecard

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    The 3rd class of inpatient ward in Surya Medika Gresik Hospital had an ideal Bed Occupancy Rate. This  rate also had been decreased since 2014. This study is aimed to assess the performance of the 3rd class of inpatient ward based on Balanced Scorecard. This is a descriptive observational study with cross sectional design. Respondents are Chief Inpatient, Head of the Division of Finance and Family Patients. The results of scoring showed that the are only two perspectives that show a positive performance. The learning and growth perspective has 0.9 which means good performance. The internal business process perspective has 1.6 that categorized as very poor performance. The customer focus perspective has 0.25 that categorized as poor performance. The last perspective, financial perspective, valued 0.05 which is good performance. This study suggest to employing cleaning service, making and socialization of Standard Operating Procedure, making the scheme service flow, improving discipline of doctor, holding service quality training, also increasing the intensity  of monitoring and evaluation .Keywords: balanced scorecard, performance assessment, scorin

    Inpatient Performance Assessment Based on Balanced Scorecard Perspective

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    The 3rd class of inpatient ward in Surya Medika Gresik Hospital had an ideal Bed Occupancy Rate. This rate also had been decreased since 2014. This study is aimed to assess the performance of the 3rd class of inpatient ward based on Balanced Scorecard. This is a descriptive observational study with cross sectional design. Respondents are Chief Inpatient, Head of the Division of Finance and Family Patients. The results of scoring showed that the are only two perspectives that show a positive performance. The learning and growth perspective has 0.9 which means good performance. The internal business process perspective has 1.6 that categorized as very poor performance. The customer focus perspective has 0.25 that categorized as poor performance. The last perspective, financial perspective, valued 0.05 which is good performance. This study suggest to employing cleaning service, making and socialization of Standard Operating Procedure, making the scheme service flow, improving discipline of doctor, holding service quality training, also increasing the intensity of monitoring and evaluation

    Analysis Of Assessment And Expectation Dental Polyclinic's Patients With Spider Web Method Based On Dabholkar Quality Dimension

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    There are many factors that determine health care service quality. One of them is the internal factor. This research was done to arrange recomendation increasingdental polyclinic utilization based on Dabholkar quality dimention.This was an observational study with cross sectional design of the 70 respondents who are representing dental polyclinic's patient in a month. Data were collected by questionnaires distributed to respondents to identify the respondent's assessment and expectation about physical aspects dimension, reliability dimension, personal interaction dimension, problem solving dimension, and policy dimension of dental polyclinic service quality. The conformity between assessment and expectation of respondentson service quality was analyzed based on Dabholkar quality dimension by using spider web. The results showed that most dimensions have been suitable about reliability dimension, personal interaction dimension and problem solving dimension. While the conformity of physical aspects dimension and policy dimension are not quite good. The conclusions showed that physical aspects dimension and policy dimension are the top priority, while reliability dimension, personal interaction dimension and problem solving dimensionneed repairement are still need to be maintained